Monday, February 20, 2012

Due Date February 24- An Adventure I'm Taking

Friends and Family,

As you read in my subject, what I am about to tell you is urgent.  But very exciting.  This past fall, I fell in love with a book called Kisses From Katie, (here it is on Amazon).  Most of you know my love for children as well as my true heart for orphans.  So when I heard that this book was about a 22 year old woman, Katie Davis, adopting 13 girls, I knew I had to read her story.  My heart was truly amazed at her faith, her obedience to both God and her parents, and her love for others.  I knew I wanted to participate in her ministry first hand and experience the work God was doing through her.

I started researching and found out Katie Davis only works with one organization: Visiting Orphans.  They send out mission trips each year hoping to raise awareness about the international orphan crisis.  Their past short term missionaries have come back to go on more trips, adopt children, and/or support the organizations that they visited.  I read the mission statement of the organization and knew this was a no brainer; I was going on a mission trip with the organization. 

Well, fast forward to last week... I talked to my boss about taking 15 days off of work to travel and love on orphans.  At first, I thought it was a long shot but she said yes!! So immediately (within 12 hours), I had signed up for a trip that visits Ethiopia and Uganda. I will travel to and encourage several organizations that care for orphans: Canaan's Children Home, Amazima, Home Again Ministry, 60 Feet, Project 61, and Amani Baby Cottage.  I will love on babies and serve the orphanages/organizations in Ethiopia and Uganda with the love of Christ and His word.

I signed up to go April 24- May 8.  I realized when I signed up that it was going to be a tight timeline, however, I did not realize when signing up for this trip that I would need $2200 of my $3900 trip costs by February 24th.  Yes by THURSDAY!! Any other planners out there a little nervous for me?? If I had known I would have not signed up, but He knew I also needed to trust Him; so what better way? 

So here is what I am asking: I need prayer, please pray for the following:
- A flexible heart that is willing to heed to God's plan
- My colleagues at Bethany- they will be covering my territory in my absence
- The organizations that I visit - the orphans and the staff
- My leader and team specifically for unity, safety, and health in our group

The other request is the one that no one wants to talk about but lets be honest, I have until THURSDAY to raise $2200 of my $3900 goal.  I am requesting you consider financially supporting me in my adventure to care for orphans. If this is something you can do at this time, Visiting Orphans has made it easy to donate.

Step 1: Follow this link
Step 2: From the "Fund Category" drop down, please change the selection from "General" to "Ethiopia & Uganda April 2012."
Step 3: Enter your desired donation amount
Step 4: Since this is a single short term mission trip, make sure to select "NO" for the question "Would you like to create a repeating donation?'
Step 5: Where it says "Would you like to preference this donation toward the work of a specific team member or ministry", select "Team member or ministry name" and then type in my name (Rachel LaFerriere). 

If this is too high tech for you, don't worry.  You can ALWAYS send me a check and I will use it for the trip.  If you would like my address, please email me. 


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