Wednesday, July 25, 2012


So this morning I am missing Africa. I am also thinking about a little guy I am finding a home for in America. Thinking how differently his life would have been had he lived in Africa.

I am thinking about those littles in Ethiopia in the Catholic orphanage. I am thinking especially about the one that had hydrocephalus. She was eight years old. She was in immense pain. She was bed ridden. She was born in a country where shunt surgery was not as readily available. She will live in pain and discomfort. But she would no nothing different. I think about her because it is so readily available to have that fixed. Why was I born in this country and she was not.

Then my head goes to the little maybe 4 pound baby in the orphanage. She struggled to live. Yet was not in a hospital. She was not treated by a doctor daily where they were tracking her vitals, how well she ate, etc.

Neither one of these little ones had a family that was taking them in. Did they have people that loved them? Yes. But the chance of the eight year old having a family was not great. The four pounder making it and thriving was slimmer. (I don't know what happened to either one. I don't know how to check in on them)

Yet, a baby born in America has all of the luxuries of doctors, nurses, round the clock treatment. He can also have a better chance of a family because this family has access to these provisions. We actually can find families who are not fearful of the outcomes. We have families that because of the resources available can say you are our son.

I am struggling with why don't all kids have those resources so they get the best chances of a family too? I know I should just be thankful for the fact that this guy is getting a home but I am saddened for the girls that might not.

So I pray for all three. The sweet girls in Africa and the cute boy in America. Pray that one day they will all have the same resources. Pray for the godly families that they need to step up and fill the need.

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